Saturday 9 April 2011


After presenting the 3rd Draft of our opening sequence to the whole class we realized that we had some continuity problems:
  • When she is sat at the door there is a cut when she goes to the sink
  • At the shower, when she goes down the glass the light and her position changes 
  • When she sits down at the shower, in one shoot her hands are in her face and in the other, they are in her legs. 
However we had this problems in some parts of our other drafts, so i decided to research about continuity and learn how to improve for our next draft.

What is Continuity???
Continuity in terms of props costume and locations, and the same rule applies with actors. It is the consistency of characters props and making sure that things are the same, at all times when filming.

In this videos we can see very well the mistakes made with continuity:

So after researching and looking at different ways that people can make continuity problems, i realized that even in TV they make this mistakes.They all professional they have more cameras, and they don`t have to repeat the shot 3-5 times to get different angles and they still have difficulties to get it right, we have only one camera, and we still learning how to film its more likely that we will make this mistakes.

What are the ways in which we can prevent continuity errors?  

  • Write a list of props and costume
  • Take a picture or a video of what is happening- as theremight be intervals (days) between time of shooting.)
  • Also noting down the time of day as this may effect continuity as to what is taking place and when. Example:If we film our first scene in the evening and then our next scene which is suppose to continue from this in the the late evening. This would confuse the audience as to what is taking place and when it is suppose to take place.
  • Make sure the actors are in the exact same place they were in the previous shot.

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