Tuesday 15 March 2011

Opening Sequence 1st Draft

Teacher Assessment Improvements:

  • Good layout of tittles, considered genre
  • Very good her facing away when he is touching her
  • A variety of shots, considered match on action

  • The music is so wrong
  • Too long
  • It should be Flashback, reality, flashback, reality......
  • Establish the character first (coming up the stairs)
  • Camera: shaky and inconsistent. The zoom was done very badly.
  • Voiceover was so whiney, cant really hear it and too repetitive
  • Establish the character at the beginning
  • Research a music that follows the genre
  • Improve the camera shots, and zoom.
Group level:  1/2    Group mark:
Individual effort/contribution:   4    Individual Mark: 23 out of 24

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