Saturday 19 March 2011

Draft 2 Filming Day

Today we went to my house to film our 2 draft of our opening sequence. 
First thing we sat together to make clear the changes and improvements we had to make since the 1 draft. 
After planning the step by step how we were going to film, we started to put the tape on the camera, do the actors make up, prepare the tripod etc... 

We started at 11:00am and we decided to film all in one day so we have more days to edit, so we finished at 2:00pm. We felt that we improved a lot from our 1 Draft as we had some really good shots. 

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Opening Sequence 1st Draft

Teacher Assessment Improvements:

  • Good layout of tittles, considered genre
  • Very good her facing away when he is touching her
  • A variety of shots, considered match on action

  • The music is so wrong
  • Too long
  • It should be Flashback, reality, flashback, reality......
  • Establish the character first (coming up the stairs)
  • Camera: shaky and inconsistent. The zoom was done very badly.
  • Voiceover was so whiney, cant really hear it and too repetitive
  • Establish the character at the beginning
  • Research a music that follows the genre
  • Improve the camera shots, and zoom.
Group level:  1/2    Group mark:
Individual effort/contribution:   4    Individual Mark: 23 out of 24

Monday 7 March 2011

Filming Techniques

To start filming and editing i felt i did not know much about this staff so i decided to research about how to use the right shots and techniques to edit something properly. In the internet i found so many things tutorials on how to use imovie, garageband, cameras, tripods.....and many other:

Thursday 3 March 2011

Final Idea

This slide shows all step by step of the first draf of our opening sequence.