Friday 10 December 2010

Preliminary Task...

 Filming and Editing:

My experience of filming the preliminary task was really good; I enjoyed filming we used a Panasonic camera to film, and a tripod to help support the camera, if you film with your hands you can shake, and the video won’t have a good quality. However the main difficulty was to follow the story board, next time before doing it, we have to check the space we have and where we are placing the camera and the tripod.
            After finish filming we went straight to editing, which I thought  it was going to take longer, although we worked a lot for just 1 minute work. Therefore I realised that even for a small work, filming and editing takes a lot of time. I though I was going to struggle to use IMOVIE but I was wrong, once you start and get familiar with it you learn really quickly.
            I had some problems editing the preliminary, because it was really different from what you see when you are filming. Next time when I am filming I have to be careful, with how I finish each shot because it might not match with your next shot.
We learn that we have to keep everything in the same place so when you doing your next shot its not different from the previous. Although we had some difficulties it was a great experience which a learned a lot.

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