Saturday 30 October 2010

Colour Codes...

These are the group members that will work together to make an opening sequence of a film, and the colour codes that we will use throughout the year to separate our work.

Friday 22 October 2010

As Media Production...

As Media Production:

This was the first presentation that the class was asked to produce, we had a lot of good ideas for opening sequences. My presentation went really well, I was a bit nervous but it was okay. I would give me a B grade considering the mark scheme.
•Eye contact
•Not reading from the board
•Good quality research
•Concrete ideas

•Explained with media context the opening sequence

After i presented my presentation Miss Connell`s marked considering the mark scheme and my final grade for it was a B,i was happy with it...

•Use more media language
•have different ideas to develop presentations
•keep simple and effective

Thursday 21 October 2010

Videos From As Media Production...

This is the videos from my presentation as it cant be shown in the slide show...

Friday 1 October 2010

Start of the course…

So far we have been ask to develop our ideas by creating a presentation and present to the whole class. The presentation must have your knowledge of what is media production and what do you know about media as a whole; also explain different types of genres. The second part of the presentation must have developed ideas of what genre you going to use, what your whole film is going to be about, and plan your opening sequence by making a story board. All this research helped me to have an idea of what is media as a whole, and I also learned how to develop my ideas. So far the course its very interesting and I’m enjoying a lot.