Saturday 7 May 2011

Individual Marks

  members     Draft 1       Draft 2       Draft 3      Final Draft

Alexa                23/24            31/32             33                  37
Tiara                 20                31/32              33                 37

Nkechi              23                31/32              33                  37

This are our individual marks for each draft, as you can see since i started this i had in my head that i wanted to get it right since the beggining. The chart shows very well our progression and i think the marks were faily.  

Progression over the whole proccess

This chart shows every step we made since we started our pleliminary, and also the grades we got for each draft. This charts helps us to see how we improved from one draft to the other:


After the last Draft of our opening sequence, we got together to at my house to film the evaluation. We had to answer questions about the whole expirience and what have we learnt during this whole proccess. It was fun i had a lot to say because i loved filming,editing, reseraching etc...

Part 1 : 

Part 2 :

Part 3:

Filming the Evaluation was also a nice expiriece because just there filming we realized we learnt so much in this progression.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Forms and Conventions

On our opening sequence to meet our Genre we used forms and conventions:

As you can see we didn't challenge to much the Forms and Conventions of Drama because we want to follow  out genre. 

Friday 22 April 2011


If we had the chance to change anything we would change out timeing, our last draft was a bit to long, we couldnt make shorter baceuse as our audience feedback said it could make less effective so we dicided to leave as it was: